Saturday, October 7, 2017

Moved to YouTube

All new uploads will appear only on YouTube from now on. I have decided to do this because once again changed something in authorization process and I, frankly, don't have the nerves of changing the upload scripts once again, only to end up with the process more annoying then it was before. Google did the same thing with Blogger API complicating the authorization process and then I decided to go along with the change, resulting in more inconvenience for me because I had to copy/paste the given token each time I ran the batch upload script. Imgur wants the same process to take place when uploading content to their servers, making me copy/paste their token alongside with the blogger token. No way I'm going to do this, that's way to much work for something that should be a one click operation. So, from now on I will just drag-n-drop videos to YouTube upload page and that's it. You won't get the original quality of the clips, because YouTube compresses the material, but the compressor isn't that bad as it once was. The bright side is that videos won't ever expire on YouTube, they will be easily searchable, instantly accessed, shared and everything that comes with that. So why didn't I moved to YouTube sooner? Why I am upset? Well, I tried uploading some videos on YouTube couple of years ago, but the copyright infringement algorithms refused to publish the videos. One in two videos failed to pass them. So, if 50% of the material can't be uploaded then what's the point? Today left me no choice but to turn to YouTube. I have to give YouTube one more chance. If most of the videos don't make it past YouTube algorithms I will probably stop uploading stuff. YouTube will probably close the account due to large infringement  ratio and that will be the end of Croatian Celebrity Videos story. If YouTube attempt fails I am not giving this another chance.

YouTube or bust!

My new Youtube channel is located here:

P.S. This blog was always ad free. I hope I can make it ad free on YouTube. If google pushes ads on my videos it's purely their policy, I've done everything on my part to make them ad free.